Folk Association of South Hants


Dance Clubs

Have a look at this video to see a flavour of some of the dancing we do and you can see where the various clubs are on our locate a club page.



Beaus of the Park FDC (Mostly Playford) - 8.00-10.00 pm. Church of the Resurrection Hall, Penarth Ave, Drayton, PO6 2AP. Sue Bradshaw. 02392 713158

Bournemouth (Westhill) FDC - 7.30-10.00 pm. Annunciation Church Hall, Charminster Road, Bournemouth, BH8 9RW. Liz Neal 07471 207563.

Eastleigh FDC- 7.30-10.00 pm. Junction Church (was The Railway Institute), Romsey Road, Eastleigh, SO50 9FE. Joy Simmons. 02380 252248

Irish Set Dancing - 8.00-10.30 pm. Most Mondays except bank holidays, September to June. Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Portswood Rd, Southampton, SO17 3SB. 'Round the House and mind the Dresser!' has been the caller's cry as these traditional square sets were and are danced in pubs and kitchens all over Ireland. New dancers welcome. Contact Jacky and Dick via email

Winchester Baroque Dancers - 7.00-9.00 pm, some Mondays, check website for dates. St Peter's School, Olivers Battery Road, North, Winchester, SO22 4JB.



Fleet International Folk Dancers - 7.45-9.45 pm. United Reformed Church Hall, Kings Road, Fleet, GU51 3AF. Linda Melville-Smith 01483 506328

Isle of Wight FDC - 1.45pm for 2pm start. Every Tuesday (note, no club during August). Wootton Methodist Church Hall, 88 Station Rd., Wootton Bridge, PO33 4RE Elaine Shiers

Salisbury FDC - 7.30-9.30 pm. St. Martin's School, Shady Bower, Salisbury, SP1 Contact Chris Nettle on

Solent Country Dance Club - Main Hall, Main Hall, Community Centre, Havant, PO9 3ES. Sue Bradshaw. 02392 713158

Stubbington International FDG - Roman Catholic Church Hall, Bells Lane, Stubbington, PO14 2PL. Times can vary - usually 10.00 - 12.00. Check the dates on our Diary, or with the contact, Bob. £5/session to include a Tea/Coffee break. Bob Neal 01329 609589 or

The Duke of Wellington's Dancers - 7.30-9.30 pm, some Tuesdays and Thursdays - see the website for dates. Georgian and especially Napoleonic era dance. Beginners always welcome, 14-25 year-olds half price. St. Denys Church, Dundee Road, Southampton, SO17 2ND.

Winchester RSCDS (Scottish Country Dance) Teaching Night - 8.00-10.00 pm. Club night is on Wednesday. St Peters RC Primary School, Olivers Battery Road North, Winchester, SO22 4JB. Wendy Mumford. 01264 363293



Chichester Country Dance Group. Most Wednesdays, 7.40 to 9.20 at St Wilfrid's Church Hall, Sherborne Road, Chichester, PO19 3AG. For more details contact Abigail via

FolkActive Dances with live music - 2.00-3.30, 2nd Wednesday (except August). Freemantle Community Centre, Randolph Street, Southampton SO15 3HE. £5 per session, refreshments available. Also available on-line via 'Zoom' - see the website for details of how to join.

The Hampshire Regency Dancers - 8.00-10.00 pm, St. Luke's Church Hall, Stanmore, Winchester, SO22 4BX (1st and 2nd Weds.) and Shawford Parish Hall, Shawford, SO21 2AA (other Weds.). Caroline Tracey.

Methodonsko. 7.30-9.30 pm, every Wednesday. Mainly Balkan dances. Methodist Church Hall, Winchester Road, Chandlers Ford, SO53 2GJ. Mad Chapman. 02380 267616

New Forest Scottish Country Dancers> 7.45-10.00 pm. Methodist Church Hall, Avenue Road, Brockenhurst, SO42 7RT. Maggie 07977095357

Sam's Stepping - 8.00 pm, 3rd Weds, not August. Southern step dancing session. Samuel's Rest, Shedfield SO32 2JB. Jo & Simon Harmer. 01489 899023

Solent Contras - 8.00-10.30, 2nd Wednesday except July and August. Shawford Parish Hall, Pearson Lane, SO21 2AA. Caller Barrie Bullimore, £5 per session, £4.50 for four sessions paid in advance.

Winchester RSCDS - 8.00-10.00 pm, 1st and 3rd Wednesdays. (Scottish Country Dance) Club Night (Teaching night is Tuesdays). St Peters RC Primary School, Olivers Battery Road North, Winchester, SO22 4JB. Wendy Mumford. 01264 363293

Woodlands Folk Dancers - 2.00-4.30 pm, 1st Wednesdays. Woodlands Village Hall, Verwood Road, Woodlands, BH21 8LJ. Often live music. Tea/coffee/biscuits provided (please bring your own mug) £3, £5 if live music. Contacts 07888 759471 or 07471 207563 or 07749 206499.



"AS MANY AS WILL" The Best of English Country Dance 7.30 -10.00 pm. First Thursday of each month except August. Shawford Parish Hall, Pearson Lane, SO21 2AA. Nigel Close 01962 714220

The Duke of Wellington's Dancers - 7.30-9.30 pm, some Tuesdays and Thursdays - see the website for dates. Georgian and especially Napoleonic era dance. Beginners always welcome, 14-25 year-olds half price. St. Denys Church, Dundee Road, Southampton, SO17 2ND.

Fordingbridge English Country Dancing Group - 7.30-9.30 pm. Godshill Village Hall, Woodgreen Road, Godshill, Fordingbridge, SP6 2LL. Contact John or Sue - 01425 654951, via Facebook, or via their website.

Highcliffe FDC - 7.30 pm. Greystones House, Waterford Road, Highcliffe, BH23 5JL. Jan Harris 01202 427523

Hursley International Folk Dancers - (mainly Balkan/Israeli) - 6.00-8.00 pm (1st and 3rd Thursdays (+ occasionally 5th Thursday) of each month except August). Hursley Sports and Social Club, Hursley Park, Winchester, SO21 2JN. 023 8076 6213



Felpham and Middleton FDC – 7.30–9.30 pm. The Small Jubilee Hall, Elmer Road, Middleton-on-Sea, PO22 6DZ. English country dancing, mostly Playford style. Contact: Janet, 01243 265010



East Dorset Folk Dance Club - 3.00-5.45 pm. Mostly 3rd Sats. St Mark’s Church Hall, Hinton Wood Avenue, Highcliffe, BH23 5AA. £5 per session, quite often with live music. Jan Harris 01202 427523


No Fixed Day

Moving In The Moment with FolkActive Any time via YouTube. See also

WinQeilidh - 7.00-9.00 pm. Gender-free Ceilidh Club. The Nutshell, 15 King's Walk, Winchester, SO23 8AF. Live music. £10 on the door for general public, £5 for students. For dates see the website or our diary page.


FASH cannot guarantee the accuracy of entries. Please send any corrections or other information to the Solent Waves Editor or see our contacts page

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